


来源:职称论文发表咨询网时间:2015-02-09 17:11

  名的基本要求: 准确(Accuracy)、简洁(Brevity)、清楚(Clarity)。

  英文题名最好不超过10–12个单词(尽量控制在100个字符以内);如若能用一行文字表达, 就尽量不要用两行;在内容层次较多、难以简化的情况下, 最好采用主、副题名相结合的方法;题名开头避免使用Thoughts on ..., Regarding …, Study…等泛词。

  题名应清晰地反映文章的具体内容和特色, 力求简洁有效、重点突出; 尽可能将表达核心内容的主题词放在题名开头; 慎重使用缩略语; 避免使用化学式、上下角标、特殊符号(数字符号、希腊字母等)、公式等,以防止数据库中题名信息的损失。

  用于期刊中页眉的眉题(Running Title)是论文题名的缩写,一般不超过40个字符;眉题应包含论文中最核心的内容。


  由于题名比较简短, 无需主、谓、宾齐全,因此一定要注意句法问题。如果词语间的修饰关系使用不当, 就会影响读者的理解;通常情况下由最能反映论文核心内容的主题词扩展, 形容词应与其所修饰的名词紧密相邻。如:

  差: Cars blamed for pollution by scientist (科学家造成的污染归罪于汽车)

  好: Cars blamed by scientist for pollution (科学家将污染归罪于汽车)

  差: Mechanism of suppression of nontransmissible pneumonia in mice induced by newcastle disease virus (该题名的本意应是pneumonia was induced, 而不是mice was induced)

  好: Suppression mechanism of nontransmissible pneumonia induced in mice by newcastle disease virus (小鼠中新城病病毒诱导的非传染性肺炎的抑制机理)


  Anesthetic management of carotid surgery (颈动脉外科中的麻醉处理, of 应修改为 for)

  差: 14C sampler in air (在空气中的14C取样器)

  好: A sampler for 14C in air (空气中14C取样器 ¾采集空气中14C的取样器)

  差: Formulation of equations of vertical motion of finite element form for vehicle-bridge interaction system

  好: Finite element based formulations for vehicle-bridge interaction system considering vertical motion (车桥相互作用系统有限元形式的竖向运动方程)


  (1) 我国科技期刊的现状及可持续发展分析

  差: Analysis of status and Continuable development of domestic periodical of science and technology

  好: Situation and development of Chinese scientific journals

  (2) 浅谈知识经济时代科技期刊青年编辑应具备的素质及现状

  差: Analyze On Quality for Young Editors of Scientific Technology Journal in the Time of Knowledge Economy & its Present Situation

  好: Quality requirements for young editors of scientific journals in the knowledge-based economy era

  (3) 高校学报优化审稿环节的几点思考

  差: Reflects of university journal to optimize the steps of peer review

  好: Thoughts on optimizing the peer review procedures for university journals

  (4) 提高科技期刊的可持续发展能力

  差: Improvement in capabilities of sustainable development of scientific periodicals

  好: Sustainable development for scientific journals

  (5) 加强编辑工作能力,跟上时代步伐

  差: Enhance edit faculty for keeping up with times step

  好: Enhance editor’s capabilities for keeping up with science demands

  (6) 我国科技期刊的现状与发展趋势

  差: The Situation and Development of the Our Country Science and Technology Periodicals

  好: Situation and development of the scientific journals in China

  (7) 我国应用型大学学报的发展现状与应对措施

  差: Present Situation and Response of Our Applications University Journal

  好: Situation and developing measures of the application-oriented university journals in China

  (8) 应用型大学学报编辑业务素质刍议

  差: On the Editors' specialty Standards of Applied university Journal

  好: Editors' professional requirements for application-oriented university journals

  (9) 应用型大学学报核心化之路的视角与举措

  差: On constructing of applied University journal's columns

  好: Views and developing measures for application-oriented university journals


